This document provides an overview of the annual performance review cycle for all levels.
These guidelines outline some of the factors the firm considers in determining an individual’s professional progression within Manatt Health’s business, strategy, policy and analytics (BSPA) business unit, and process by which it makes these determinations. This document outlines the progression of all positions from Consultants through Managing Director.
To assist with development and professional growth, the Firm has developed a competency model that provides detailed guidelines describing the necessary skills, abilities, and tasks which Manatt Health consulting professionals are expected to attain throughout their career progression. The purpose of the competency model is to help clarify expectations, provide consulting professionals with greater control of their career, and guide the Firm in its commitment to training/development and evaluation/feedback programs so that consulting professionals enjoy even greater success.
This template is completed during Interim Reviews for Analyst, Consultants, and new Managers.
Year- End Solicited Review Template
This template is completed by Solicited Reviewers during the Year-End Review Process.
Year-End Solicited Review Example
This document provides a good reference for how to complete a solicited review.
Self-Evaluation Template (Analysts, Consultants, and new Managers)
This template is completed by Analysts, Consultants, and new Managers during the Year-End Review Process.
Self-Evaluation Template (Experienced Managers and Senior Managers)
This template is completed by experienced Managers and Senior Managers during the Year-End Review Process.
This document provides a good reference for how to complete a self-evaluation.
This template is used to summarize and synthesize all data and feedback provided to the reviewers during the Year-End Performance Review Process.
This document provides an example of a composite with a Below Target Performance rating.
This document provides an example of a composite with an At Target Performance rating.