Chrome River FAQs

Setup I clicked Next on the System Setup, and clicked Allow on the Adobe Flash Player Settings popups, so they shouldn’t appear next time I log in, but I have to click them every time I use Chrome River, what should I do?

This is due to the cookie/cache settings in your browser. Contact User Support for assistance in resetting them.

I want to use the Mobile Expense functionality, but when I send a picture from my phone, it sends it from my personal email address, what should I do?

You can set up your Chrome River account to accept expense memos from an alternate email address.

  1. Click your name at the top right
  2. Choose Settings
  3. Click Personal Settings at the right
  4. Click Alternate Emails and enter your personal email address

Expense Reports Do I need a separate expense report for each matter? If you are used to organizing expense reports by billing code, and submitting separate reports for each billing matter, and internal charges, you can continue to do this. If you would like to combine all charges and submit them in a single expense report, you may do that as well. Whatever makes the most sense for you. What should I enter for the Business Purpose for expenses?Since you’ll need to enter information in other fields (e.g. hotel name, dinner guests, billing codes), there is no need to enter this information in the Business Purpose field. The Business Purpose is simply the reason the expenses have been incurred. For example, if there were hotel, dinner, airfare, and taxi expenses for a trip you took to New York to take a deposition, the Business Purpose for each of these expenses could be “Travel to New York to take deposition of John Doe.”
Click HERE to view Chrome River Expense Reimbursement Guidelines. What is the difference between Traveling, Working, and Overtime types on a meal expense?If you are outside of your office area, choose Traveling (e.g. you work in LA and travel to Costa Mesa to work). If you are working normal hours in your office city, choose Working (e.g. you work in LA and take a client to lunch in town). If you are non-exempt and have a meal because you are working outside your normal working hours, choose Overtime. What is the difference between Local, To/From Airport, and Out of Town travel types on a mileage expense?If you are driving within your office area, choose Local (e.g. you work in LA and travel downtown to the courthouse). If you are driving to or from the airport to catch a flight, choose To/From Airport. If you are working outside of your office area, choose Out of Town (e.g. your office is in LA, but you are driving to Costa Mesa to work in the OC office). What happens if an expense exceeds the allowed amount, for instance a meal?This will trigger a policy compliance warning, and Accounts Payable will review the expense after it’s submitted, and will likely reduce the reimbursement to the allowed amount. I entered a meal expense as a dinner, but now I realize it should’ve been a lunch, can I change this, or do I need to delete it and start over?If you need to change the expense type for an item, click it in the expense report, and then click the Switch button. This will allow you to change the expense type, without having to enter all the information again. How can I find an old expense report? On the Dashboard, go to the My Submitted Expenses section and click the Details link. At the bottom is the My Recently Submitted Expenses section. You can click an expense report to enable options to generate a PDF report, Track its progress, view the receipts, or add additional receipts. If the expense report in question is not listed, you may click the Inquiry button to run a variety of searches to help you find an expense report, or even an individual expense item. How do I enter Hotel expenses?Follow these steps:
  1. Choose the Hotel expense type.
  2. Enter the date and hotel name.
  3. Enter the full amount of the hotel bill.
  4. Choose the appropriate expense types to itemize the hotel bill.
  5. Combine the room charges and taxes into a single “Lodging” charge.
  6. Enter any non-reimbursable amounts.
  7. After you've itemized everything, and the "Remaining to be Itemized" amount at the bottom reads 0.00, click Close.
Receipts Do I need to keep the original receipts? You no longer need to submit your original receipts; an uploaded copy of receipts is sufficient. I only have a single expense on an expense report, and there is no receipt for it. Chrome River requires that I have a receipt in order to submit an expense report, what should I do?Tips and mileage expenses do not require a receipt, but if you have expenses that do require receipts, you must upload a receipt. I tried to upload a large set of receipts, and Chrome River told me it was too big, what should I do?Chrome River limits the size of PDFs to 5mb, so break up the large PDF and import it in smaller sections. Be sure to choose “Add to Image” when you do this. Delegates What should I do if I need to work on a Professional’s expenses, for whom I haven’t been assigned as a delegate?The Professional can go to the Delegate tab of the Dashboard, to the People Assigned To Assist Me section and add you. Secretarial Supervisor also have “Super Delegate” rights, and have the ability to add you as well. What happens after an assistant submits an expense report?After an assistant submits an expense report for a professional, the professional will get an email with the option to approve it or return it. If all charges look good, it can be approved and it will be routed to Accounts Payable for approval. If there are charges that require an additional level of approval (e.g. Professional Development expenses, Diversity, Recruiting), it will first be routed to the appropriate person. If there is something that needs to be adjusted on the expense report, the professional can return it to the assistant, with a note in the email indicating what needs to be adjusted.