Consultant Content Training
Please review each of these courses within your first two months at the firm. Each course contains important information that will increase your knowledge and understanding of the health care landscape. To complete each course, please watch the recording of the most recent training. If you'd like your own copy of the materials to take notes during the session or to refer to in the future, you can download the deck by clicking on the "Slide Deck" hyperlink. If you have questions, please reach out to Carol Towey or Maddy Mackie.
Medicaid 101: Recording and Slide Deck
Medicaid 102: Recording and Slide Deck
Social Drivers of Health: Recording and Slide Deck
Digital Health: Recording and Slide Deck
Provider Transformation 101: Recording and Slide Deck
Health Insurance 101: Recording and Slide Deck
Life Sciences (2023): Recording and Slide Deck
Life Sciences (2024): Slide Deck
Overview of Long-Term Care: Recording and Slide Deck
Medicaid Directed Payments
This training covers what are directed payments and how they fit into the Medicaid payments policy landscape. We review a proprietary inventory that Manatt has developed on Medicaid directed payments that have been approved in March 2021 – August 2022. We demonstrate the various components of the tool and discuss use cases of how it could be used to answer client questions. (Recorded March 1, 2023)
Click here to view the webinar.
Click the links below to view the slide decks:
CHA Supplemental Payment CFO Session
Summary of Directed Payments Inventory
Financial Concepts, Project Budgeting, and Financial Management Training
Click here to view the recording. (recorded on July 24th, 2024)
Financial Literacy Training Deck
Financial Literacy Training Glossary
Managed Care Final Rule and Implications for Medicaid Payments (June 14th, 2024)
Click here to view the recording.
Password: MQ8U0@Eg
Medicaid Payments Overview (July 18th, 2024)
Click here to view the recording.
Password: Dp297m=q
Click the link below to view the deck:
NYU Health Law & Regulation Course: Trends in and Impact on the U.S. Healthcare System
Below are sixteen course modules that are taught at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. These are optional courses for consultants who are mid-level and higher.
Module 1: Course Overview & Imperatives: Key Concepts, Stakeholders, Issues, and Trends Driving the Health Care Industry | taught by Bill Bernstein and Cindy Mann
Click here to view the recording.
Module 2: Coverage and Access (Part 1): Basics of the Challenge to Insure All Americans | taught by Kinda Serafi and Troyen Brennan
Click here to view the recording.
Module 3: Coverage and Access (Part 2): Hot Topics in the Challenge to Insure All Americans | taught by Joel Ario and Tara Straw
Click here to view the recording.
Module 4: Alternative Payment Models, Value- and Risk-based Reimbursement, and Accountable Care | taught by Anne Karl and Brenda Pawlak
Click here to view the recording.
Module 5: Emerging Issues in Health Care Portability, the Impact of Telehealth and Digital Health, and Reimagining Care Delivery Settings | taught by Randi Seigel and Jared Augenstein
Click here to view the recording.
Module 6: Different Perspectives on Health Care Fraud, Waste, and Abuse | taught by Jacqueline Wolff and Robert Belfort
Click here to view the recording.
Module 7: The Past, Present, and Future of Academic Medical Centers and Safety Net Hospitals | taught by Thomas Enders and Eboné Carrington
Click here to view the recording.
Module 8: Whose Data is it Anyway? The Changing Privacy Landscape and Data-Driven Health Care | taught by Helen Pfister and Kevin McAvey
Click here to view the recording.
Module 9: Shaping Health Care Law and Policy in Congress and the Executive Branch | taught by Cindy Mann, Nick Bath, and Blair Cantfil
Module 10: Hot Topics in Health Care Innovation (Part 1): Pharmaceutical Development, Pricing, and the role of “Big Pharma” | taught by Michael Kolber and Rachel Sher
Click here to view the recording.
Module 11: Hot Topics in Health Care Innovation (Part 2): Health Technology, Medical Devices, Health Analytics and Changing the Delivery of Health Care | taught by Lisa Suennen and Bob Rebitzer
Click here to view the recording.
Module 12: Health Care Markets and Competition: Fostering Entrepreneurship, Achieving Scale, Consolidation Trends, and Impacts on Pricing and Access | taught by Keith Anderson and David Reichenberg
Click here to view the recording.
Module 13: The Art of the Deal: Building Effective Health Care Partnerships | taught by Paul Carr-Rollitt, Linda Moroney, and Raisa Patron
Click here to view the recording.
Module 14: Integrating Care: Spotlight on Advancements in Addressing Substance Use Disorders and Behavioral/Mental Health | taught by Zoe Barnard and Harvey Rochman
Click here to view the recording.
Module 15: Long Term Services and Supports: Opportunities and Challenges in Caring for Individuals with Disabilities and the Elderly | taught by Edo Banach, Stephanie Anthony, and Carol Raphael
Click here to view the recording.
Module 16: Achieving Health Equity and Addressing Social Determinants of Health | taught by Melinda Dutton and Alice Lam