Consultant Skills Academy
Please review each of these courses within your first two weeks. Each course contains important information that will increase your knowledge and understanding of skills that are essential for success within the Firm. Courses one through six are known as our Skills Academy. You'll need to watch any recordings and read through each of these slide decks carefully and take notes. The final course in this track is known as the UCR Case Study. You will follow the same approach as the Skills Academy. If you have questions, please reach out to Carol Towey or Maddy Mackie.
Course 1: Issue-Based Problem Solving
Course 2: Manatt Guide to Success
Course 3: Project Management & Work Plan Development
Course 4: Slide Superheroes - Mastering PowerPoint Skills (Slide Deck & Recording)
Course 5: Principles of Primary Research
Course 6: Distilling Information into Actionable Insights
Please review each of the documents under the "Attached Resources" section. Documents beginning with 1 should be reviewed first, as they are considered pre-work for the case study. The document beginning with 2 is the overview of the case. Documents beginning with 3 and 4 are to be used to identify your findings and develop your recommendations and solutions.
Udemy Skills Training
We’re excited to provide you with the opportunity to advance your skills and contributions to your project work through Udemy training courses. These courses were selected by the Learning & Development workgroup because they cover fundamental skills that will support strong organizational and analytical capabilities. To start, we have identified four courses for you to complete. You will find course titles and descriptions under the Udemy Skills Training heading below.
How the Program Works
If you are interested in taking one or more of these courses through Udemy, please select the "Request to be notified of new events" button located on the middle right side of this page. Once you have done this, a member of the Professional Development team will provide you with further instructions. You'll know the request has been sent once this option changes to "You have requested this course and will be notified as new events are scheduled."
The process starts with you receiving an email from Udemy stating that you have been sent a gift. You will receive two separate gift emails – one for each Excel course. These emails should arrive within a few days of your enrollment in this training track. Prior to receiving this email, please review How to Redeem a Udemy Gift. Courses should be completed in the order listed below.
We will provide you with completion dates for each course. The minimum cadence for completing the training is 1.5 hours per week. Please use your Investment Hours to track your time taking the courses. Course numbers 2-4 will issue a certificate of completion. Please email those certificates to ManattUniversity@manatt.com. We are only requiring specific modules to be completed for course #1 (see course description), therefore, no certificate will be issued. In this case, please send an email to ManattUniversity@manatt.com stating that you have completed the required modules. These must be sent on or before the course complete date. Once your notices of completion are received for the first two courses, you will receive another gift email for the third and fourth courses. Redeem these using the same process; complete the course and forward the completion certificate.
If you have questions, please reach out to Carol Towey or Maddy Mackie.
Udemy Skills Training Courses
Course 1: Excel from Beginner to Advanced: Excel with this A-Z course Microsoft Excel Course (estimated duration: 9 hours 45 minutes)
Course 2: Master Excel Pivot Tables (estimated duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)
Course 3: Accounting in 60 Minutes – A Brief Introduction (estimated duration 1 hour 30 minutes)
Course 4: How to Read Financial Statements: Build Financial Literacy (estimated duration 2 hours 30 minutes)