eFiling with First Legal

TIMELINE and Pricing with First Legal (eFiling service provider):

  • full concierge services = $27
  • eFiling ourselves through the portal = $6.75

How to submit documents for full concierge services:

  • Email all documents to be filed to efiling@firstlegal.com
  • Include contact information for the filing attorney (in case First Legal has questions)
  • TIMING:  Submit all documents at least two hours prior to the deadline – e.g, prior to 10 PM for filing deadline of Midnight – to guarantee the deadline will be met
    • If received after 10 PM they will always do their best to meet the deadline.

First Legal eFiling Department, Customer Support:

  • For eFiling to be done by First Legal (Full Concierge Service) (8:30 am – Midnight PT) - Call (877) 399-5562 (Prompt 1)
  • For 1-on-1 assistance with eFiling you are doing yourself (6:30 am – 8:00 pm PT) - Call (800) 889-0111
  • After hours, for any questions regarding eFiling you are doing yourself - Call  (800) 889-0111 (Prompt 1 or email efiling@firstlegal.com)

*** There is no fee to call or get assistance by phone. ***​

First Legal web site:

eFiling services:   https://www.firstlegal.com/efiling/

​First Legal FAQ page: 


​First Legal weekly online tutorials:
