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What's the quickest way to find what I'm looking for?
The quickest way to find something is to use the SEARCH field by clicking the Magnifying Glass in the upper right.
Search by application name, type of resource, keyword or try searching by the task you want to do.
What if I don't really know what I'm looking for?
Click a button in the navigation bar above to get a broad view of what you can find here.
How do I get around KnowZone?
Check out the KnowZone QuickStart Guide!
KnowZone in LearningSite
Here you'll find Current Events for which you're eligible to register
and Featured Plans, a set of eLearning Videos grouped around particular applications and/or tasks.
You can also check your personal To-Do List (the red oval with a number in in it) for the
upcoming training Events for which you're already registered, as well as any assigned eLearning Plans.
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